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11 Cards Like Rhystic Study

We all want cards like Rhystic Study. What was once a 25-cent common is now a $30 rare. Which, unless you have a ton of money, it can be hard to own multiple copies or even a copy. 

So, to help all you commander players out there. I have searched, playtested, and compiled a list of 11 cards like rhystic study. Giving you access to cards not as broken but still a good bang for your buck. 

Plus if you have trouble hitting the 20 card draw recommendation that the Rule 20 guide states, then these are some great includes in addition to rhystic study. So without further wait, let’s go over these cards like rhystic study.

Ghostly Pilferer

First up is ghostly pilferer, with cards like Jeska’s Will, Underworld Breach, and a plethora of other exiles/reanimation card draw engines, ghostly pilferer puts in work. Not only does an early ghostly pilferer mean you will draw off people’s commanders, but you can also filter your hand by discarding and drawing with their second ability. For two mana this is a great choice for those looking for a card draw engine.

Verity Circle

Mana dorks are your best friend. Chances are someone is playing green, and if they are playing green, they are probably playing mana dorks as well. Which turns into a card draw engine for you. I have noticed that it’s not always a huge payoff but I can usually get 1-2 draws off of it every game at worst or 6+ if going against multiple green players. All in all a solid choice.

Runic Armasaur

Not the usual card like Rhystic Study, Runic Amasaur can put in work depending on your meta. Even in casual, there are tymna, thrasios, and a plethora of ability commanders. Which makes this a great choice in those matchups. This is a solid choice if you find yourself constantly going against commanders with activated abilities or people who like to run combos like Kiki-Jikki, Isochron Scepter, or birthing pod. Making this actually really good in the right situations.


Another Meta dependent card, but a solid choice all the same. Great against, sacrifice, discard, and vampiric tutor decks, compost is another great card like rhystic study. While not as popular of a color as green, black cards usually love being put into the graveyard. Which lets compost draw you cards consistently throughout the game. Not only that, but a cool deck tech of compost is that the cards don’t care how they end up in the graveyard. So mill decks will get so much value out of this card. Making this a really fun alternative to rhystic study.


The other version of compost is Insight. Insight cares about cards not going to the graveyard but cast. Which, with green being one of the most popular colors for commander, means you will draw a ton of cards off this one. If you can get this down early, then all sorts of ramp cards will allow you to draw. But, if you get it down late, then all sorts of big creatures will allow you to draw cards as well. Meaning no matter which part of the game you are in, drawing will be happening. Honestly, this is my second favorite card like rhystic study just because this always performs better than I expect.

Viridian revel

Treasures are a thing. While the debate over treasures is lengthy, the fact is most decks use treasures nowadays. Meaning Viridian Revel becomes great against treasures. While a popular card for the mentioned reason, I find the card to either perform or underperform, but never just okay. Meaning if you are in a huge treasure meta, this card is fantastic and is an auto-include, but if you find yourself very rarely against treasures, it’s a dead card that draws you 0-1 cards a game. But, the draw function is nothing to sneeze at just be aware that this variance is higher than most.

Heartwood Storyteller

More friendly than the other cards like rhystic study, but still a great alternative. Heartwood storyteller is only good in creature-heavy decks. The reason being is this card can help your opponents too and as such needs to be used as cautiously as possible. If you are playing in more casual settings where removal isn’t common, or are playing a group hug deck then heartwood storyteller becomes the best rhystic study alternative out there. Being both political, it can allow players to cast noncreature spells to let others hopefully draw into removal, or if an opponent is trying to win via non-creature spells, it makes it much harder for them to do anything without feeding everyone else. Becoming a great way to shut down spellslinger, artifact, and enchantment decks, while also feeding your creature-heavy deck.

Everwatching Threshold/cunning rhetoric

Another version of propaganda, but definitely has its uses. Reliant on opponents attacking you is never fun, but today’s meta is much more combat-heavy than it was 3-4 years ago. With the making of really powerful creatures in magic, combat now has more significance besides just killing your opponents. So this works as a great way to prevent people from attacking you, or to get a lot of card draw as people swing 2-3 damage your way to get value from combat. An interesting take on rhystic study, but still not without its merits.

Nezehal Primal Tide

The most expensive alternative to rhystic study, but an absolute powerhouse if you can get on board. Able to draw you a ton of cards, this is no small threat to the board. A 7/7, can’t be countered, no maximum hand size, draw engine off every noncreature spell, and a form of protection? This card wins games. If you are in a deck that can ramp you a lot quickly, this is the card I would recommend to put into your decks. Able to win the game with damage, able to protect itself if targeted, and able to draw you cards reliably, this is the best card like rhystic study in most games. 

Wandering Archaic

Wandering Archaic may not seem like card draw, but cantrips, draw spells, and other forms of instant and sorceries that draw you cards, make this a great include. Consisting of only colorless mana, this can go into any deck and find a great way to be a value engine against other players playing stuff like a demonic tutor, blue sun zenith, and read the bones. I originally did not think of this as a draw engine, but wandering archaic works as a great way to draw a few cards throughout the game. Making this another solid alternative to rhystic study.

Mystic remora

Finally, the best card like rhystic study. While yes, the most known, its’ power can’t be understated. Play this early, and ramp spells draw you cards, play this later, and value/removal cards draw as well. Meaning, that you can play this at any point of the game and still draw your cards. Thus making this the best alternative to rhystic study. Highly recommend.

11 Cards Like Rhystic Study: Conclusion

Not only are each of these great budget alternatives to the commander staple, but these are also great includes in addition to rhystic study. Able to draw cards off other players’ work is a blessing that can work wanders when going against 3 other players. Meaning cards like rhystic study, mystic remora, and insight, become great ways to power your board state to a winning position. Allowing for more games to be won, and for your deck to do what it wants every time. 

If you are looking for other great ways to optimize your decks, I cannot stress enough my FREE book, Rule 20. It is a solid way to transform the power behind your decks with only simple tweaks. Allowing for your games to be that much more fun. Till next time! Happy drawing.

P.S. A great way to support this site is by clicking on this link here when buying your cards from TCG. They give me a nice kickback that can be used on magic cards of my own to playtest and report to you. Thanks!

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